Monday, January 31, 2011

Miniature Belts Have Feelings Too......

This morning I pose this question to you: how do you know when you have too much time on your hands?  I discovered the answer to this after I snapped the nonsensical photos below.  These are part of a collection titled: The Usefulness of the Tiny Belt.

Accessorize your figurines

Know without-a-doubt, which glass is yours

This look says: simple, yet classy

Beat the hipsters to this next trend

Nothing says 'Happy Holidays' like miniature belt garland
And since I have a flurry of thoughts to dump out of my brain today, I also feel the need to tell you that when you hear the phrase, "do one thing every day that scares you", it doesn't mean you should kick-off the karaoke contest at your boyfriend's holiday work party.  Unless you have a voice that challenges Sara McLaughlin's, then by all means sing on my friend.  I am referring to those of us who could end up on the reject reel of American Idol auditions.  We should truly stay in the shadows when entering a room with a spotlight and microphone.  It wasn't put there for us.

And now folks, drum roll please...........I have finished my ten new pieces for the month of January.  I missed my original deadline by two weeks, but scraped together enough ambition to complete the alternate deadline. Has this posting of new items helped sales, or simply increased any activity on our site?  Well it generated a little interest -  maybe a few new items added to favorites and one sale.  New goal to be posted later this week.  Until then.

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