Monday, January 17, 2011

Overachiever attempt....

The challenge was to create ten new pieces by Sunday, January 16th. Did I successfully do this? Ashamed, dejected and publicly humiliated, I have to tell you that no, no I did not. To help you better accept this failure, I've compiled a small list of excuses: a mysterious party guest from Saturday's wine club stole my tools, all of the arts and craft stores in the Twin Cities area ran out of beading wire at the exact same time (weird how that happens) and then to top it all off, I was called upon last minute to be a judge at the annual dog show (my only credentials being that I enjoy looking at them).

Don't worry though - by the end of January, I will have these ten pieces done. I will, I will. Must stop staring out the window and daydreaming....and must stop creating challenges of Oprah-like proportions.

On a sunnier note - the treasury went well. I did learn something from another etsian, however, and that was to fill up all 16 spaces in order to be considered for the front page. Noted.

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