Thursday, March 17, 2011

Generating dollar bills.....

A couple of years ago I convinced myself I would make buckets of money writing ehow articles.  So I got to work straight away.  I wrote and wrote and wrote and ended up with...........five articles.  I only had five articles in me.  I quickly learned that, a.) I did not have any technical skills to share, b.) I am lazy and get bored very fast and c.) Technical skills aside, I couldn't think of any skills I had (I do have some skills, but let's be honest, who wants to read an ehow article about how to be a good multi-tasker....)

It was a sobering realization.  So what did I write my five articles on?  Well I had to really think at what I was good at (or just happened to know something, anything about): moving, bars, skiing, running and the wild card - emailing large files.  And here they are for your viewing pleasure:

The gorgeous, the one, the only, Winter Park, CO
How to E-mail Large Files (I don't recommend the steps outlined in this one, because I don't think I was able to send my large file)

How to Complete a Half Marathon with Minimal Training (really stretching for articles to write)

Seriously dorky picture of me running the
P.F. Chang's 1/2 marathon in Phoenix, AZ
How to Move with Little Money (pretty much the only thing I do know how to do)

So how much money do my five articles bring in every month?  I couldn't tell you, but I can tell you that every 8 months or so, I see a check for $10.34.  Buckets of money no, shot glass of pennies, yes.


  1. I love ehow! I find myself looking so much up on the internet and those are always the best explained articles. Love the last one, btw. :)

  2. you do look like a dork in that running picture! a younger sister posted this...which one tho?
