Thursday, February 10, 2011

1 day until the fair.....

One solitary day left until the craft fair. I stayed inside all day yesterday contemplating how on earth I was going to set up my display. Last time I threw a bunch of wire wrapped necklaces in a box that had 12 little slots. Mistake. This time I knew I had to do something different. And while I found a website that had some great examples and tutorials on Craft + Show Designs , I didn't have the supplies (ahem, or the skills) to create these awesome designs.  Why not just go get the supplies you ask.  Well here in MN the weather likes to dip into negative digits and since I loathe the cold I couldn't bear it.  I am so pathetic.  So how was I going to make a display?!

Then I remembered the miniature belts. Light bulb. And so I got to work. Now I realize miniature belts aren't just laying around your house, but if you have a surplus store nearby (Twin Cities folks can check out Ax-Man or ArtScraps, both highly exciting places to visit) zip on down there and see what else you can find. Chances are you aren't as afraid as the cold as I am, so you can actually get in your car or take a train or bus and go somewhere!

Then just grab an old picture frame and get to work. All I did was hook the mini belts together and screwed them to the frame. Since I have a larger frame, I had to add some support to the top middle row as some of my earrings were a wee bit heavy and making the belts sag. As for the cord, that's just a leather cord tied to both ends. Seems to be working so far. Mission completed - am now ready for the craft fair.

How exciting is this picture?!

And here we have the back of the frame....riveting!

And there you have it, yet another purpose for the miniature belt!

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