Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The past couple of days I've been stuck in bed - head and chest smothered with a cold. My mind isn't thinking clearly, although sheer willpower provided me a brief moment of clarity last night to watch the Bachelor. I'll understand if you want to stop reading now.

But if you've decided to give me the benefit of the doubt, then you are in luck. Because I am going to list for you, the top 10 things to do while you are sick in bed. Right now. For your reading enjoyment.

1. Use Google Earth to try and find your car from the most recent satellite image (I found mine - in Denver, from 2009, parked at my old job - it was truly a thrilling experience)
2. De-friend people from your facebook account who you don't know...just be honest with yourself
3. Write a haiku
4. Sign up to be a volunteer
5. Take a tub (if you can manage, crawl if you must)
6. Watch youtube videos so you can be on the same page as the rest of the world (I had never heard of the annoying orange until one week ago...apparently 17 million people knew about this before me, like one whole year before me)
7. Netflix watch instantly
8. Do your taxes (it sounds worse than a cold I realize, but since it's tax season and you are stuck in bed then just get them done already!)
9. Write an ehow article (they'll pay you....I won't tell you how little, but they'll pay you)
10. Sleep all day (then you won't have to worry about doing any of these things)

And to end on a crafty note, you could always teach yourself how to create something. Here's a fun video from ThreadBanger on how to create a collage necklace from fabric scraps:

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